Rabu, 29 November 2017


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hay All, met again at the blog me.
How are you?I Allhamdulillah just fine, well, this time I will tell my holiday, the holiday do not need to be far away that important can Calming the mind and let go of the fatigue of the task of the task.

On the 20 October 2017 me and my friend vacation, even if the close but we like her very much, I, Nindi, Desy, Ratih, Septi, Riska, Cindy, we on holiday in the forest mangrove( Mempawah Mangrove Park), use motorcycles, initially I was afraid use motorcycles because I rarely holiday with a motorcycle, so I with Nindi, about an hour more diperjalanan finally we get also.
   Do not forget to also we holiday bring lunch that we don’t hunger, entering the forest mangrove charged Rp. 5000 per person so we get into the was crowded visitors there, the wind is strong and sight Nice, the mangrove very well known in Pontianak because the sights and place beautiful, there are many people who were taking pictures, capture the moment with a partner, family, and other other.

We also do not want to lose, we also capture the moment to take pictures, making the video, and we were exhausted, finally we eat lunch we take of the house, after eating we continued again take pictures.
Without we realize time maghrib are close, we also left the mangrove and stop to fill in the station, after that, we continued again and we stop in the mosque the edge of the road, we singing singing, we decided to stop by to Alfamart to sit down, drink, and talk, there we unwind for a moment, and sekitan hours 20.00 we returned to continue the journey and the weather was getting cold,
Without we realize clock is shown at 21:00, finally we continue the journey and we arrived safely hours 21.30.

That’s the holiday memorable for me and holiday experienced, because we holiday use motorcycles, and we all ladies, so my holiday.
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb

Video Submission 2

Sumber foto : googleimages

Learning laziness is not a new problem for students. Even if you (the students) and parents have been looking for a solution to overcome the lazy sense of learning but the solution applied never gives great benefits to your life. The sense of laziness is already rooted in your blood. Finally you just enjoy a small feat of school time.
No one in this world can escape the sense of laziness. Be as active and as loud as you are, surely one day you feel lazy.
Well, what if the sense of lazy work has hit? There is no other way but to fight the laziness and drive it away from yourself and your mind.
Sometimes, we can get lazy. There are some tricks we can do to reduce even eliminate the sense of laziness.
Lazy is a condition of self that is not enthusiastic in running something. Lazy is the most terrible disease that can hinder . One'a success. If you make a plan to build a business from scratch carefully, then when trying instead of strumble with a sense of lazinness, it will hamper your success.

How to eliminate pain :
1. Do the hard thing in the morning. 
2. Give motivation to yourself. 
3. Relaxation. 
4. Learn while snacking on food. 
5. Change the learning pattern. 
6. Determine the goals to be achieved. 
7. Counvince ourselves that we can do something. 
8. Praise yourself. 
9. Do not despair. 
10. Stay istiqomah.

Selasa, 28 November 2017

Dialog English

Group Name:
                    1. Gitri Aprilia Anggraini
                         2.Nindi Selviani Risti
                         3.Desy Fitri
Task: English Dialog

Dialogue of our conversations from introductions, future ideals / dreams , favorite foods, and friends!
(Meeting at Radank House)
Nindi: Hi, I am Nindi and this is my friend Gitri.
Gitri: Hi, I am Gitri.
Desy: Hi, I'm Desy. Ok, this is our first meeting, and I think it's a good thing to get to know  each other. I want you, Nindi, start it first.
Nindi: All right. My name is Nindi Selviani Risti. People used to call me Nindi. I live in jln. Tanjung Raya II Gg. Tri Sakti No. 777
Desy: Ok, it looks like I need more information about you. What are your hobbies, your ambitions and your favorite foods?
Nindi: I love to read and write, my dream is to create a school for street children and want to develop it, My favorite food is sweet martabak and salty martabak, a place I love on TOSS and my favorite menu is Go Green.
Desy: Hmm, that is an interesting hobby. That is a very noble ideals That's great. We have the same likes I also like sweet martabak and the place is also in TOSS and my favorite menu is Silverqueen milk. OK. Thank you Nindi. Now it's your turn, Gitri. Tell me about yourself.
Gitri: I'm Gitri. My full name is Gitri Aprilia Anggraini. I live in jln. Re. Martadinata Gg. Pala 2, My hobbies singing, dance , Jogging. My dream became a teacher. My favorite dish is also a sweet martabak and a favorite place I usually visit on TOSS and my Favorite menu is Dairy Cheese.
Desy: Ok now it's my turn. I'm Desy, you guys can call me Desy. My full name is Desy Fitri. I live in Jln. Karet  Komp. Karet Cemerlang. Oiya, I like to sing and dance also like Gitri.
Desy: how can you two meet and make friends?
Gitri: We have been friends since PAMB and become new students at Tanjungpura University, and at that time there was the first meeting also with PIPS Association, from which we have started to be familiar.
Nindi: Well, that's it and we're both friends, do you want to be our best friend?
Desy: do you really want to accept me as a friend of both of you, if true I am very grateful, because both of you willing to accept me.
Gitri: Well of course, why not? do not feel as awkward as we are yaaa ...
Desy: Thanks guys you guys are very good even though we just met you have received me.
Nindi: Me and gitri go first to see you again
Desi: Daaa ... until you meet again

 (Pertemuan di Rumah Radank)Nindi: Hai, saya Nindi dan ini temanku Gitri.Gitri: Hai, saya Gitri.Desy: Hai, saya Desy. Ok, ini pertemuan pertama kita, dan saya pikir ada baiknya mengenal satu sama lain. Saya menginginkanmu, Nindi, mulailah dulu.Nindi: Baiklah. Nama saya Nindi Selviani Risti. Orang biasa memanggilku Nindi. Saya tinggal di jln Tanjung Raya II Gg. Tri Sakti No. 777Desy: Ok, sepertinya saya butuh informasi lebih banyak tentang kamu. Apa hobi, cita-cita dan makanan kesukaan kamu?Nindi: Saya suka membaca dan menulis, mimpiku adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah sekolah untuk anak jalanan dan ingin mengembangkannya, makanan kesukaanku adalah martabak manis dan martabak asin, tempat yang kucintai di TOSS dan menu favoritku adalah Go Green.Desy: Hmm, itu adalah hobi yang menarik. Itu adalah cita-cita yang hebat. Kalian berdua sama seperti saya juga menyukai martabak manis dan tempatnya juga di TOSS dan menu favorit saya adalah susu Silverqueen, baik. Terima kasih nindi Sekarang giliran Gitri. Ceritakan tentang dirimu.Gitri: Saya Gitri Nama lengkapnya adalah Gitri Aprilia Anggraini. Saya tinggal di jl. RE Martadinata Gg. Pala 2, Hobi saya menyanyi, menari, Jogging. Mimpiku menjadi guru. Hidangan favorit saya juga merupakan martabak yang manis dan tempat favorit yang biasanya saya kunjungi di TOSS dan menu favorit saya adalah Dairy Cheese.Desy: Ok sekarang giliranku nama saya Desy, kalian bisa memanggilku Desy. Nama lengkap saya adalah Desy Fitri. Saya tinggal di Jln. Karet Komp. Karet Cemerlang. Oiya, saya suka bernyanyi dan menari juga seperti Gitri.Desy: bagaimana bisa kalian berdua bertemu dan berteman?Gitri: Kami telah berteman sejak PAMB dan menjadi mahasiswa baru di Universitas Tanjungpura, dan saat itu juga ada pertemuan pertama dengan Himpunan Mahasiswa PIPS, dan dari situ kami  saling mengenal.Nindi: Nah, itu dia dan dari semenjak itu kami berdua berteman, apakah kamu ingin menjadi teman kami?Desy: Apakah kalian benar-benar ingin menerima saya sebagai teman kalian berdua, jika benar saya sangat bersyukur, karena kalian berdua bersedia menerimaku.Gitri: Tentu saja, kenapa tidak? jangan merasa canggung sama kita yaaa ...Desy: Terimakasih guys, kalian sangat baik meski kami baru ketemu kamu sudah menerimaku.Nindi: Saya dan gitri pergi dulu ya samapai berjumpa kembaliDesi: Daaa ... sampai berjumpa lagi. 

Minggu, 05 November 2017

Best Friend (s) or Close Friend (s)

Assalamuaikum Wr. Wb
Good Afternoon
This time I will discuss about close friends or my friend 😊

I had experienced a number of friendship and since I was still in elementary school until now, for me close friends or a friend is always there for us in any circumstances, so a friend to vent, each share, and more, So far I have people who was called both or best. Honestly, I really like friends, especially have one hobby hat just like me, because I have a close friend, I was so confused to choose to the task of this blog me.

Well, I would introduce close friends or people who are very know about me, in any case and he was Nabila shafira😘
how do I know him?
Nabila is my cousin, we are very familiar, because my father and his father are brothers and then our family lived one house when we're still in the womb, and until now we still hold together.

how can we become good friends?
 we have the same hobbies, singing and watching Korean dramas, Nabila is the cousin who is most familiar with me, he knows a lot about me he is confide in me,we are many through the things in life, a place we often visit is the Mall, there we karaoke and walking paths, Nabila was the first person to introduce me to Korean drama, She is a place to vent which is very good for me after the Lord so did she, Nabila always give positive response to me.

things what I like and don't like him?
nabila is a smart girl, very good, he has a long nose white and somewhat contained, but I'm higher than nabila, she is my cousin and best place to vent. The thing I don't like from him sometimes we love the wrong way, but now once we fight , but I am very dear to him , Since in college we rarely meet, sometimes if there is a new time to meet

my hope for the future?
I hope I can always be with Nabila whenever and wherever, I love her so much ❤❤hopefully we both can be together until the end of life.

Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Food Review

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Good Afternoon
meet again in blog i like very much to gather with friends in the cafe especially the cafe has a unique menu so I am interested to visit it and I am here to discuss the food that is "say cheese" curious right???

say cheese is one of the menu in the Toss Cafe is located at jalan Putri dara hitam, say cheese it is martabak paced cheese, cheese fans will not miss out on this one, yes it is, I really like it with cheese, so for those who like cheese don't miss out on this

tara... this is her "Say Cheese"
Price Rp. 17.000

Sweet Martabak is a food made of flour, eggs, sugar, sprinkled with peanut powder and chocolate, or topping other like cheese then baked and folded,there are also round-shaped mini and medium. 

The history of martabak sweet
Martabak retreat or originally named Hok Lo Pan initially is Food Typical Bangka Belitung. Hok Lo Pan or Martabak created by people Hakka ( Khek ) Bangka. The only in the world, the food people tribe Hakka ( khek ) wearing the name of the tribes Hoklo. Almost everyone in big cities like in the city of Jakarta know Martabak Bangka, real name in Bangka is Hok Lo Pan ( Martabak ). The meaning of Hurfiah Hok Lo Pan ( Martabak ) is Cakes People Hok Lo.
Hok Lo Pan ( Martabak ) is a very simple. Make it was it seems easy. Only 12 minutes to wait Hok Lo Pan ( Martabak ) was So. Use flour, diolesi with the butter, dredged brown grains mix of the ground and sesame, or Keju steamed mixed sesame, then given sweetened condensed milk, finished. Ringkasnya like that. Now, the contents in Hok Lo Pan ( Martabak ) diverse, there are bananas, strawberry, blueberry, etc. or toping other.

Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017

Three Levels of Government

Question 1


C. People appointed or selected or elected to an office, especially as representatives of an organization or goverment department



A.an official in charge of a goverment department.



A.members of senate



A. to blindly trust a person or a group of people.



B. a share or a right in the ownership  of a property in a commercial of financial undertaking.

Answer 2






Answer 3

1.local goverment, state goverment, federal goverment.

2.task of a mayor and city council members are the laws affect the city and the people who live there.

3.two issues protected by the state department is the health and safety of state citizens

4.-head of state           :president

   -head of goverment :prime minister

5.federal goverment can do 3 thing are can print money, can negotiate with other countries and can declare war on another country.

Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017

Video Submission 1

Manfaat Kunyit Bagi Kesehatan

1.Reduce pain in the joints(osteoarthritis)  turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties considered can help relieve joint pain in petients with osteoarthritis , a condition that causes joint pain, Stiffness, and loss of flexibility. 
2. Itchy skin turmeric mixed with extracts of black, pepper or Chili herbs. Curcumin content is high it is believed to help cure the itching. 
3. Skin rashes conditions redness on the skin this you can overcome by taking extracts of turmeric. The content material of the chemical in turmeric can soothe the skin and make ut go back to normal. 
4. The problem surrounding menstruation consumption of saffron extract can help with the pain. Fat about a cup size small in the day to get the benefits. 
5. Dyspepsia (heart burn)  Turmeric Stimulate the gallblader to produce bile more optimal. This condition is believed to improve the digestive System. In addition, according to the study ,consume the extract of turmeric can also prevent bloating in patients with dyspeptic or ulcer. 
6. Colon Cancer (colorectal) according to some studies turmeric can also be used to prevent Colon Cancer by reducing the amount of the person Marker - a tumor marker of colon cancer was decreased after consuming turmeric in a regular basis. 
7. Heart Attack and Stroke Heart attack can be caused due to high cholesterol in blood circulation, as well as with stroke. Lower cholesterol by eating turmeric juice on a regular basis. According to research, the natural herbs it containa high pottasium that can dissolve the bad cholesterol in the body. 
8. Skin Lightening Turmeric has a natural yellow pigment that can help brighten the skin quickly. 

You can make a mask of turmeric mixed with water lemon and honey. Wear a mask on regular basis 10 minutes after the bath and see the result instanly.


1. Mengurangi rasa nyeri pada sendi (osteoarthritis)

Kunyit mengandung anti-inflamasi yang ditengarai dapat membantu meringankan nyeri sendi pada penderita osteoarthritis, yakni sebuah kondisi yang menyebabkan sendi nyeri, kaku, dan kehilangan fleksibilitasnya.

2.kulit gatal
kunyit yang dicampur dengan ektrak lada hitam atau cabe jamu. Kandungan kurkumin tinggi dalamnya dipercaya bisa membantu menyembuhkan gatal-gatal.

3.kulit ruam
Kondisi kemerahan pada kulit ini bisa kamu atasi dengan mengonsumsi ektrak kunyit. Kandungan bahan kimiawi dalam kunyit dapat menenangkan kulit dan membuatnya kembali seperti semula.

4 masalah seputar menstruasi 
konsumsi ekstrak kunyit dapat membantu mengatasi rasa sakit tersebut. Konsumsilah sekitar satu gelas ukuran kecil dalam sehari untuk mendapatkan khasiatnya.

5.Dispepsia (maag)

Kunyit dapat merangsang kantung empedu untuk menghasilkan empedu lebih optimal. Kondisi ini dipercaya dapat meningkatkan sistem pencernaan.
Selain itu menurut penelitian, mengonsumsi ektrak kunyit juga bisa mencegah kembung pada penderita dispepsia atau maag.

6.Kanker usus besar (kolorektal)
menurut beberapa penelitian kunyit juga bisa dipakai untuk mencegah kanker usus besar dengan cara mengurangi jumlah prakanker di tubuh orang tersebut. Penanda-penanda tumor kanker usus besar pun menurun setelah mengonsumsi kunyit secara rutin.

7.Serangan jantung dan stroke

Serangan jantung dapat disebabkan karena tingginya kolesterol dalam peredaran darah, begitupun dengan stroke. Turunkan kolesterolmu dengan mengonsumsi air perasan kunyit secara rutin. Menurut penelitian, rempah alami ini mengandung kalium tinggi yang dapat melarutkan kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh.

8 mencerahkan kulit wajah 
Kunyit memiliki pigmen kuning alami yang dapat membantu mencerahkan kulit wajah dengan cepat.

Kamu bisa membuat masker kunyit yang dicampur dengan air lemon dan madu. Pakailah masker tersebut secara rutin 10 menit setelah mandi dan lihat hasilnya seketika.

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

A life Full of Bliss and Blessing

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The Next Five Years I've Dreamed

   I Gitri Aprilia Anggraini ,this time i had become a student at the University Tanjungpura Pontianak, precisely Faculty of Education (FKIP), study program Faculty of Education of Education Social (IPS), i have a dream 5 years ahead is complete college i first and after graduating I want to realize the ideal condolences i be a Teacher and looking for a job in order to help both my Parents ,because i was the first child, i have to be a good example for both my younger sister.
   I also had a dream want happy My Parents and reply to his services to leard hard, iam very grateful to have Parents are always Support me, i also want to raise a pilgrimage both My Parents, then of that i want to change the mindset i became more mature and made My Parents proud of what i do, iam very grateful to God has given me a life is Amazing, the name of life sometimes difficult and happy, initially i thought life is a lot of the ordeal but now for my life is running water, so live as the water.

   A Message from me , do not at All times you complain, because complaining does not resolve the issue, be strong and prove to the world that you are people who never give up indeed many of the thing we face in life, because this is where we test how strong we face the trials of Allah SWT.

   The from me Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Understanding the American Education System


I. Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words in the passage

1. Degree
  c. A qualification given to a student after she/he has completed her/his studies in higher education

2. Course
   b. A series of lectures or lessons in a patricular subject, typically leading to a qualification.

3. Switch
   a. Change

4. Excel
   a. To show superiority

II. Decide whether these statements are true(T) or false (F). Correct the false one. 


III. Provide brief answers to the following questions. 

1. What is an Associate of Arts (AA) ?
Answer : Is an academic transfer degree designed for student who will ultimately be pursuing a bachelor of arts degree at a four-year college/university that is not math or science oriented.

2. Name five common prerequisite courses!
Answer : Commonly known as prerequisite courses : literature, science, the social, sciences, the arts, history and so forth.

3. Provide an example of a major!
Answer : A major is the specific field of study in which your degree is focused. For example ,if someone's major is journalism. They will earn of a Bachelor of arts in journalism.

4. What is the name of the degree awarded to students who pass their four-year college education?
Answer : They will earn an Associate of arts (AA) transfer degree and then transfer to a four-year university or college.

5. What is college or university study known as?
Answer : College or University study known Higher Education".

IV. Reading discussion (Group work) 

1. How is the college university system in the U. S different from the college university system in Indonesia?
Answer : In the United States the students are freed to choose any subject they like, and the University System in the United States based on STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, arts, abd math)  while the education system in Indonesia embraces the national education system ,the education system provides academic knowledge, honing skills and fastering a positive attitude.

2. Which one do you prefer to decide on your major early in your college year or later?
Answer : What i want to accomplish this year is to get good grader and be able to complete tasks on time.

3. Why do you choose social science education?
Answer : Because our interests and talents tend to IPS and we are more sociable and want to for then expend our understanding in the social field.

4. What do you think can be improved from the college/university system in Indonesia?
Answer : Acording to us that can be repaired from the system of college in Indonesia is the cost of education in college is expensive so as to burden the student. And the lack of qualified educators in Indonesia.

Kamis, 28 September 2017

Let the Pictures Talk

•Miniature Boat Lancang Kuning

  Location : Museum Kalimantan Barat,Pontianak

 Sassy yellow this is a miniature snaped bidar which is specifically used by the sultan's Palace Qadariyah was a means of Transportation and Miniature boat Lancang Kuning is a boat of the Sultanate of Pontianak and was in use by the Sultanate.

 Lancang kuning ini merupakan miniatur berbentuk bidar yang khusus digunakan oleh sultan Istana Qadariyah Pontianak sebagai alat Transportasi dan Miniatur perahu Lancang Kuning merupakan perahu kebesaran Kesultanan Pontianak yang di gunakan oleh Sultan dan keluarganya pada acara resmi Kesultanan.

•Panjat Pinang

Location : Kalbar, pontinak Sungai Jawi, jl. Re. Martadinata Gg. Pala 2

 Commemorate the ANNIVERSARY of the 72nd of the Republik of Indonesia we often hear that various competitons are held to commemorate the independence day one of them is Panjat Pinang, where a tree nut that are high covered with a lubricant, certainly not easy for someone to climb the ladder ,right on August 19 ,the race Panjat Pinang is held in the side yard of ny house, are very enthusiastic about the people who watch it, event if the heavy rain day still continue, i as a committe are very proud because this race goes by smoothly.

 Memperingati Hut ke-72 Republik Indonesia sering kali kita mendengar bahwa berbagai perlombaan yang diadakan untuk memperingati hari Kemerdekaan salah satunya yaitu Panjat Pinang ,yang dimana sebuah Pohon Pinang yang tinggi dilumuri pelumas, tentu tidak mudah bagi seseorang untuk memanjatnya ,tepat pada tanggal 19 Agustus perlombaan panjat pinang ini diadakan di samping halaman rumah saya ,sangat antusias sekali orang yang menontonnya, biarpun hujan deras mereka tetap melanjutkan, saya sebagai panitia sangat bangga karena perlombaan ini bejalan dengan lancar.

•Rumah Adat Dayak Radakng

Location : complex culture village jl. sutan syahrir , Pontianak, west kalimantan

 Is no stranger to the people was to hear the 'Rumah Radakng', where teenage children , a place to practice and there are also people who are being photograped. The Traditional House of Dayak Largest in Borneo or commonly called 'Rumah Radakng'. Rumah Radakng was Governor of west Kalimantan Drs. cornelis, MH in 2013,attended by hundreds of law, both local and abroad, custom home which has a length of 138 meters and a height of 7 meters it will be the center of budayan the community, especially for the indigenous Dayak Kalbar.

 Sudah tak asing bagi orang Pontianak mendengar nama 'Rumah Radakng' ,dimana tempat tersebut berkumpul anak anak remaja ,tempat latihan, dan ada juga orang orang yang sedang berfoto ,Rumah Adat Dayak terbesar di Kalimantan atau biasa disebut 'Rumah Radakng' ,diresmikan Gubernur Kalbar Drs. Cornelis ,MH pada tahun 2013 di hadiri ratusan undangan, baik lokal hingga luar negeri, Rumah Adat yang memiliki panjang 138 meter dan tinggi 7 meter itu akan menjadi pusat budaya masyarakat ,terutama bagi Suku Adat Dayak Kalbar.

•Rumah Adat Melayu Kalimantan Barat

Location : complex cultural village, jalan sutan syahrir pontianak city

 Historically, the construction of the traditional houses of the malays started with market planting the first pole in may 17,2008 and was completed in 2005. Rumah Adat Melayu Kalbar was inaugrated by rice president Jusuf Kalla . Since its inauguration, the building stand on land covering an area of 1,4 hectares is a centeror place to hold various activities, wedding reception and one of the city visit local and fereign Tourist.

 Secara Historis, pembangunan Rumah Adat Melayu ini dimulai dengan penancapan tiang pertama pada tanggal 17 mei 2003 hingga selesai dibangun pada tahun 2005,selanjutnya ,pada tanggal 9 november 2005 Rumah Adat Melayu Kalbar diresmikan oleh wakil Presiden RI Jusuf Kalla. Sejak diresmikan ,bangunan berdiri diatas lahan seluas 1,4 hektar ini menjadi pusat atau tempat diselenggarakannya berbagai kegiatan, resepsi pernikahan maupun salah satu destinasi kunjungan Wisatawan lokal maupun Mancanegara.

Sabtu, 16 September 2017

About Me

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, introduce my Name is Gitri Aprilia Anggraini used in the call Gitri, the name of my chilhood yuni because i like sick, my origin of Pontianak and now i live in the Jl. Re. Martadinata Gg. Pala 2,I was born 22 April 2000,my Hobby singing and i also like sports such as jogging, i really like watching drama korea, India, and a ghost movie Indonesia, my favourite food is fried chicken, chicken noodle meatball, drinks, favourite i was juice guava

I first child of three sister, my sister was the first named Adinda Safitri she was born Pontianak 17 mei 2006,she has e hobby like me is singing. In addition to sing as she likes playing volly. My sister that both named Natasya ,she was born in Pontianak, 05 october 2009,she had a hobby that just like me and Dinda namely singing, we often to the karaoke and we also liked the way, i and both my Sister was very different far its age, because i was the first i have to be a good example for both my younger sister

My elementary school in the 50 negeri Pontianak, the first secondary school negeri 11 Pontianak, and SMA negeri 2 Pontianak, the ideals of my first is to become a teacher, because it is a glorious work, I want to realize my dream, namely the teacher, at first I was confused want to be a teacher, because the teacher Was a lot of, and Allhamdulillah iam very grateful i pass on the SNMPTN being a teacher IPS at the University Tanjungpura. and Allhamdulillah I am so grateful I pass the SNMPTN become a teacher of social studies in the University of Tanjungpura. and after graduating from the University of Tanjungpura I want to be a Teacher because this is my dream and also my parents,I very like to listen to music because hearing the song made me calm and add my insight, as a cover I say Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and good-bye.